How to Choose the perfect Japanese Knife

Knife Model Buying Guide

Looking to purchase a Japanese knife for you or a loved one? Learn how to choose the perfect Japanese knife size and model with this article.

We split all Japanese knives into 3 categories :

  1. Multipurpose knives
  2. Precision knives
  3. Specialty Knives

Choosing the best knife really depends on the usage you want it for. Let's check understand together the difference of each knife category.

1. The Multi-Purpose knives

These knives will do 90% of the job in the kitchen. If you're buying your first Japanese knife, you should seriously consider either the Gyuto or Santoku.

Hesitating between both? The Gyuto has a slightly longer blade than the Santoku, so it really comes to whether you're more comfortable with a longer or shorter blade in hand.

The Gyuto

The Gyuto is the Japanese version of the classic Western Chef’s knife. It is a true multi-purpose knife that can perform wide range of tasks, can be used with a variety of different cutting techniques and is suitable for cutting the vast majority of meats, fishes, vegetables and fruits.

Shop the pro series Gyuto

The Santoku

The Santoku is an all purpose Japanese knife. The name santoku means ‘three virtues’ for the knife’s ability to cut fish, meat and vegetables equally well. Originally the santoku was more of a knife forhome cooks, but thanks to its versatile straight edge, it has been gaining in popularity with professional chefs.

Shop the Pro Series Santoku

2. Precision Knives

The multi-purpose knives will do most of the job in the kitchen, but their longer blades will make it impossible to take precision tasks.

Whether you're peeling vegetable skin or cutting smaller fruits, a precision knife should be the second addition to your knife set.

The Paring Knife

Their small design makes them ideal for cutting in hard-to-reach places or tackling tasks where precision is important. For many cooks, a paring knife is the go-to for tool when a chef knife is too large.

Shop the Pro Series Paring knife

The Utility Knife

A good utility knife is a must-have in a kitchen knife line up. In size, it’s between a chef’s knife and a paring knife, making it perfect for all those in-between tasks.

Shop the Pro Series Utility Knife

3. Specialty Knives

Specialty knives are used for precise types of tasks in the kitchen. You should consider buying one of these knives if you'd perform one of these tasks often.

The Slicer

A must-have for meat lovers, slicing knives are suited for much more than cutting thin cuts of turkey, chicken, pork, beef, and steak. These knives with a long blade are also ideal for slicing up uniform pieces of sushi and sashimi.

Shop the Pro Series Slicer